Whether you have children or not, I can rest assure you that you've HEARD, have KNOWN or will soon KNOW about the various child bearing symptoms? Postpartum hair loss is REAL! What is postpartum hair loss? Due to the huge spike in estrogen and large volume of blood circulation, that aids is minimal loss during pregnancy, there is a decrease of hair loss. The luster (shine) is also AMAZING! We can attribute that to the abundance of nutrients our bodies are storing. While some won't experience this type of hair loss, it can range from normal-temporary-permanent. Some moms will say, "Ever since the birth of Marie, my edges just haven't been the same." I personally didn't experience any loss from my edges throughout any of my pregnancies, but I did notice a change in growth rate and luster. Certainly, if I didn't treat my hair to a mask of some sorts (fresh aloe vera, conditioning mask, hot oil treatments) then my hair definitely screamed for help. In addition, low manipulation helped and still helps big time!

The reason for this post is to share with you in photos my pregnancy hair journey. There is no ONE remedy that will prevent postpartum shedding from happening. We can rest assure that being aware that it can happen, caring and pampering our tresses is the best way to shed less tears in the long run. Try styling your hair less, using deep conditioning treatments, eat and drinking well and checking your vitamin sufficiency with your doctor(s). Under every photo, I have labeled my pregnancy hair stages. What are some of your fears or questions about this hair loss effect? Thank you for reading!

Ciao <3